they say that when you've met the person that would change your life forever, time becomes frozen. you're not aware of what's happening around you. the coldness of the air, the kids running past you, or the car that just swerved around the corner. you just stare itently. studying the eyes, smile, how that person smells. life begins to have more meaning.
they say that when you suddenly thought of the person, even though the person's a million miles away, that person is thinking of you too. how many more countless hours that person could spend with you. how time seems like a flash when you're with that person.
but when that person's gone, life becomes empty. time's so slow, never moving forward. just still. you begin to think of giving your love to someone you can never give your heart to. you become numb. your idea of a friday night is just sitting on the couch watching anything that's on tv. or you just rock yourself to sleep hoping that the pain will end. trying to lie still as if you could stop the life that passes thru your veins.
incessant thoughts of life falling into a pool of despair. a passing of life into peaceful slumber of death.